All this polynesian life set against a backdrop of small, medium, and large sailboats, with a happy hour in the late afternoon offering half-price on beer and certain other drinks.
a polynesian peaceful place to enjoy a local beer, dine at their restaurant, and listen to the local orchestra starting at 8 PM.

Polynesian nightlife on the terrace of the sailboat marina in Punaauia at CHEZ LA CASABIANCA

Polynesian nightlife on the terrace of the sailboat marina in Punaauia at CHEZ LA CASABIANCA

All this polynesian life set against a backdrop of small, medium, and large sailboats, with a happy hour in the late afternoon offering half-price on beer and certain other drinks.
a polynesian peaceful place to enjoy a local beer, dine at their restaurant, and listen to the local orchestra starting at 8 PM.